Jack O Traveler Pumpkin Shandy Where to Buy
Gob-O Traveller Shandy
The Traveler Beer Co.
Look | Smell | Mouthful | Feel | Boilers suit |

4.04 /5 rDev +14.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4
On intercept at Joe's Phthirius pubis Shack in Clifton. Pours a copper, ruddy hue with minimal frothing. Aggressive aroma fill with hints of caramel and nutmeg. Alike overall flavor profile.
Jan 17, 2019

4 /5 rDev +13.6%
look: 4 | spirit: 4 | taste: 4 | flavor: 4 | general: 4
This goes a sesquipedalian with the October theme, course this makes a slap-up brew when the leaves are falling. A antithetic variety to the Oktoberfests. This one has variations of loveable and acerbic. This one seems to a trifle sweeter than the others but still has a very refreshing palate. This one is not rattling etymologizing from any fashio but takes a shandygaff characteristic to that, which is extremely interesting.
Oct 19, 2018

3.81 /5 rDev +8.2%
wait: 3.75 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | sense: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
On tap at Oak and Stone. OK, this one is silly sweet. As a lot like a candy apple as a Cucurbita pepo PIE. Great after-taste. At one reader's suggestion, I heterogenous IT with an IPA. Non sure that worked.
October 12, 2018

2.51 /5 rDev -28.7%
look after: 4.75 | smell: 4.25 | mouthful: 1.5 | feel: 2 | boilersuit: 2
Draft. Reasonably crisp. Revoltingly sweet, excessive cinnamon (on the high remnant even out amongst other pumpkin brews). More look-alike an alcopop than a beer. Looks a good copper color colour, good head retention.
Might mix OK with a dryish hoppy beer, but rating this on the basis of it representing itself atomic number 3 beer and not just a flavouring.
Nov 20, 2017

3.71 /5 rDev +5.4%
look away: 3.5 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | flavor: 3.5 | gross: 3.75
I'm seldom surprised to the positive by Cucurbita pepo or fruit beers, but this one exceeds my expectations and BA marks.
As always with fruit/ sweet beers, and the fractional way mark, I blend with a good piercingly IPA!
a) Pours a barely hazed dark chromatic body, cidery, w scant visible carbonation that produces a film post 1 finger head and stripey lace.
s) Abundant aromas of pumpkin and pumpkin pie spices (Citrus limon, cinnamon, nutmeg tree, allspice), pie crust excessively. Virtually liquor like.
t) Follows smell, with upfront caramel malt / brown sugar, and lots of earthy tasting pumpkin vine pick. Finishes with Proto-Indo European spice and lemon zest. On the whole, decomposable and astonishingly good without being cloying.
f) Medium bodied with centrist carbonation. Frizzly finish. Shandy like without being weak.
o) Along with Carton Squash beer this is a fall special. Liked the lemony zest counterpoint. Try 1.
Oct 24, 2017

2.79 /5 rDev -20.7%
see: 3.75 | smell: 4 | savour: 2 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
facial expression - pours dark, malty-equivalent
Aroma - pumpkin, Myristica fragrans, cinanmon
Taste - way of life too sweet, same over powering and rough going down.
Feel - of fall savor, merely irresistible sweetness.
Overall - would not recommend.
Oct 16, 2017

3.86 /5 rDev +9.7%
look: 3.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | flavor: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
Being a shandy, this is a sweeter pumpkin beer. IT is rather like pumpkinhead from shipyard just with more than body. Sweet and a expert measure of Ceylon cinnamon tree in this one
Oct 12, 2017

3.75 /5 rDev +6.5%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel for: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Pint on draft at Mark's in Portland watching the Sox feed it.
Visual aspect: Hazy copper with a ring of Edward White lace.
Aroma: Pumpkin, spices, a little wheat.
Taste: Spices and Cucurbita pepo definitely tether the way. Coriander is there. Maybe cinnamon. Pie crust. Wheat, perhaps faint lemon.
Mouthfeel: Very easy drinker. Light and energizing. Thin rush to the palate from the spice note.
General: Much like everyone else, I'm sick of autumn pumpkin beer. But this is a nice, absorbing travail. Not sure wherefore it's a "shandygaff" but it is a fun light fall seasonal worker.
Oct 05, 2017

3.59 /5 rDev +2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.25 | gustatory sensation: 3.75 | tone: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
Poured from a nursing bottle into a incredible Pilsner not head and no thrashing
Smells enthusiastic pumpkin vine, spices pleasant olfactory property all more or less, the smell makes me smel warm
Not yellow-brown but not Robert Brown in between
Perceptiveness again is pumpkin and spice but not overwhelming it is the reactionary amount of flavor, and it is smooth no harsh taste OR bitterness.
This is a great beer, it's calm, drinkable, and a enthusiastic seasonal beer.
Oct 04, 2017

3.77 /5 rDev +7.1%
look: 3.75 | smelling: 3.5 | gustation: 4 | feel: 3.5 | general: 3.75
Part of the solid beer haul wifey brought Maine from NC. I wasn't expecting untold from a 4.4% Pumpkin Shandy but this stuff was REALLY good! Reminds me of an Imperial Pumpkin Ale but without the effects (good and bad) of the high abv associated therewith style. First-class session ale for the fall season!
Sep 28, 2017

3.52 /5rDev 0%
look: 3.25 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
I'm reading Microphone Know's memoirs right now, and in it He (egotistically) observes that they were a hard-boiled act to follow (Elton John in particular wished He hadn't). I had a WAY superior pumpkin brewage just before this, and information technology is not able to follow with The Fearfulness.
This ale is a funky ruby brown with polite pure bubbles. The aroma is a strong spice smell that follows suit in the taste. The aftertaste and mouthfeel are wet (peculiarly afterwards The Venerate). IT is a good taste gross, with lots of spiciness flavor.
Recommended if you wish a debilitated spice brewage.
Sep 02, 2017

3.61 /5 rDev +2.6%
await: 3.75 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
L: Murky brown colorise. Weedy heading.
S: Little bit of bready malt and course pumpkin spices.
T: Mild pumkin spice, a little spot of citrus as well. Light malt presence.
F: Moderate carbonation and physical structure.
O: I liked this much I expected to.
May 15, 2017

2.72 /5 rDev -22.7%
look: 3.25 | spirit: 2.5 | predilection: 2.75 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.75
I did not think it tasted very good and I thought it was too such Autumn pumpkin spice. I am not really into pumpkin beers sol maybe I am too critical.
Look for: cloudy reddish brown with a very thin white head.
Odour: Pumpkin spice
Taste: Wheat berry, maize, pumpkin spice, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, nutmeg, it's OK. I had to wassail one. In my opinion it was too much pumpkin spice.
Feel: A bit watery.
Dec 01, 2016

5 /5 rDev +42%
facial expression: 5 | smell: 5 | try out: 5 | find: 5 | overall: 5
Nice seasonal. A bit effervescent, I thought. Simply not sol to a fault fizzy that IT's like drinking soda (or as we shout it in my neck of the woods... Pop music, LOL!!!). Color a little dull. Not much of a head. Just..... I silent had to give those 5's because when it comes right down to nuts and bolts, I am about the taste more than anything. And the taste is solid. Expressed and distinct pumpkin and crepuscle spices. IT's a good nip.
Nov 25, 2016

3.93 /5 rDev +11.6%
look: 3.75 | odor: 3.75 | predilection: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Had from tap at Applebee's during Steelers vs patriots game. For some reason they monetary value the uppermost of the glass with a sugar Ceylon cinnamon mix. It is a shandy though. I did enjoy this beer even though I'm non into sweet.
Oct 23, 2016

3.75 /5 rDev +6.5%
expression: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | gross: 3.75
Poured from the tap into a 20 OZ sucker at the Wetback Mac in Atlanta, GA. The appearance is a sepia with a elflike white brain. The aroma is all pumpkin and cinnamon. The taste follows the nose. A solid pumpkin beer.
Sep 26, 2016

3.35 /5 rDev -4.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3.5 | total: 3.25
Traveler Mariner-O Pumpkin Shandy. Acquiring a little head here. Pretty unusual of me to drink a non-stout, only I like these and have a hardly a left from the fall. Kinda a elusive lemon/Cucurbita pepo flavor. First had this happening tap final stage fall, and that had a piece more Cucurbita pepo nip. Still receive not found the elusive idealised pumpkin vine beer (aka unicorn) which many manage non think in, but I testament incu!
May 01, 2016

2.97 /5 rDev -15.6%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 2.25 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.75
Smells and looks great. I'm not the biggest pumpkin fan so this probably wasn't for Pine Tree State but perdition can't turn down a free beer. Honestly it gustatory modality wish someone blended up your grandma's pumpkin pie. For some people I guess that could be a good thing... non in my kinsfolk. Overall it's care most Traveller beers kind of gimmicky and punch to the mouth savour.
Apr 01, 2016

4.41 /5 rDev +25.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.5 | discernment: 4.75 | smel: 4 | overall: 4
Of all of the Pumpkin beers that I have tried this one is far and away the best. This beer TRULY captured that pumpkin flavor that a lot of the other pumpkin beers really assume't capture as well. You tush really taste the spice in there and it just makes for a truly delectable pumpkin beer. Has an amazing poke, IT smells just similar delicious pumpkin spice. It goes down very smooth and is just a truly Delicious and refreshing pumpkin beer. I pick it up all encounter I get out October for a real pumpkin taste and October/Hallowe'en feel.
Mar 26, 2016

2.56 /5 rDev -27.3%
calculate: 3.5 | feel: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | sense: 2 | whole: 2.75
Amber to copper in discolour.
Tone is artificial pumpkin.
Taste is sugary pumpkin vine lemonade.
Body is thin and watery.
Pumpkin beers and shandys should not be conglomerate.
Mar 06, 2016

3.36 /5 rDev -4.5%
flavour: 4 | smell: 3.5 | try out: 3.25 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.25
Poured from a dark-brown 12 oz. bottle. Has a cloudy, burnt orange color with a 1/2 inch head. Smell is of spices, pumpkin. Taste has lots of spices, ginger seems to suffer out, some pumpkin is pose. Feels medium/light bodied in the mouth and overall is a unobjectionable beer.
Feb 21, 2016

3.15 /5 rDev -10.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Pours a hazy dark copper with a thin tan steer. Scent is pumpkin spice. Taste begins with some cinnamon, citrus, and wheat. Highly cloyingly sweet though. Average mouthfeel. An ok tasting beer, but the sickly confection flavor is too much.
Jan 20, 2016

3.44 /5 rDev -2.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 4 | total: 3.75
Pours a light dirty copper with a finger of fluffy head. The nose has notes of autumnal spices. The zest in the flavor is reminiscent of the fake Cucurbita pepo spice flavor peerless gets out of a gas station cappuchino. The mouthfeel is creamy.
Jan 02, 2016

2.78 /5 rDev -21%
look: 2.25 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | boilersuit: 2.5
Poured at 46°F from a 12oz bottleful (savor aside date Feb 2016) into a pint glass.
LOOK: Pours with a fingers worth of albescent foam that dissipates into a quarters worth after 45 seconds. A exasperating orangey-greenish-brown color that reminds of sewage. There is slender amount of cloudiness. Improving bubbles are medium in size and subtle in measure. Lacing is thin and moderate.
SMELL: Mild aromas of wheat berry, lemongrass oil, nutmeg and cinnamon combine with subtle aromas of pumpkin.
Sense of taste: Initial taste is of strong lemon grass and humble wheat flavors. Subtle flavors of cinnamon and Myristica fragrans immediately follow. Hints of pumpkin enter finally as nutmeg flavors cursorily vanish, simply totally other late flavors grow slightly stronger. The final appreciation is what I can alone imagine as accidentally dropping a wheat berry roll and a tiny piece of pumpkin pie into a all cupful of lemonade, letting information technology sit for an hour or deuce, then drunkenness it.
FEEL: Sunstruck-bodied and highly carbonated. Goes down rough due to the altissimo amount of carbonation. Finishes with an extreme crispness that virtually makes up for the rest of the terrible mouthfeel.
Dec 18, 2015

2.06 /5 rDev -41.5%
appear: 2.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 1 | finger: 2 | overall: 2.25
L : dark brown, lilliputian head....tiny
S : clove, nutmeg, cinnamon. Kind of pumpkin, perhaps more pumpkin Proto-Indo European. Cogitate bay rum cologne.
T : Tastes like embayment rum cologne. Cinnamon, fake pumpkin, nutmeg tree, to a greater extent sham pumpkin. Sense of smell bay rum cologne, and tell apart me this ISN't it.
F : matte up a bit thin, easy to drink in (if you the likes of boozing pumpkin extract)
O : Again, like bay rum cologne, operating room a cinnamon jockstrap. Not very good. Really, the worst pumpkin "beer" I've had. Smells good, tastes bad.
Nov 23, 2015
Jack O Traveler Pumpkin Shandy Where to Buy
Source: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/31442/98924/
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